Friday, February 11, 2005

speech class

so i am realizing how layed back community college is compaired to the academy of art. So far i have had 4 cancelled classes and a speech that has been moved back about 2 weeks! Lol its almost depressing because i paid for these classes and the more personal days the teacher takes the less sick days i get because the professor is going to want to get more done in one day than ussual! HOW DARE THEY BE SICK! lol
anyhow, i am sick right now, my fam. have been sick for about a week and a half. Coughing and spitting........BLAGH! I told myself i wasnt going to get it.... well, i missed one day of drinking 64 oz. of water, which seemed to be enough to keep the illness from settling in my system but that one day ruined it, and now i am miserable. My voice went down like 2 octaves during my english 111 class. But i am going to get well.... I MUST!

i am excited for valentines day!! i have so many nice decorations to put up in the kitchen! hearts everywhere!!! Heart boxes with little things in it for everyone in the fam. and hearts dangling from the chanelier, and hears stuck to the walls, and hear confetti on the table!! AND a red flowering pot over flowing with FAKE roses! heheh
i cant help it! i love to decorate for the hollidays!
ok, brakes almost over

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