Wednesday, March 09, 2005

self concept...

I have been working really hard on my self concept speech but i cant seem to organize it to be less than 7 minutes... there is just so much i want to say.
but while i was thinking about my strengths in art... i wondered WHY do i love drawing female nudes when i am so bored with male nudes....dont get me wrong, i am totally into guys, but what i realize is that...
i am sooooooooooooo not happy with the way my body is
but when i draw female nudes i love it because they are not perfect, like me they have flaws , and they arnt ugly flaws... they are beautiful
sounds wierd but i understand it... and while i draw their imperfections i feel content about my own.
so , there you go


Anonymous said...

Hey there pal, I totally understand. It just gives you a new respect and admiration for the human body and you can see and appreciate how beautiful and different each body is.

eva said...

LISA I MISS YOU!!! I am going to visit during spring staying with daniel..we should meet up and hang out for a day for old times sake!
love you