Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Upper class

I am not sure i want to believe what i am being told in sociology class. I have been told basically that the upper class makes obsticles for the middle and lower class people to overcome.. or at least try to overcome so they dont make it up to Upper Class. Supposedly the whole rags to riches thing is not a reality. That makes me think about This is really disturbing to me. Everything adds up, but to think that people are setting up the world and acctually deneying my family any hope of wealth is disgusting. I mean, i am ok with being a lower class country girl. I enjoy it. Its relaxed and gives you something to live for. I mean our family has to work for living. If we were wealthy i suppose i would take more of life for granted. Anyways it just bothers me that people would try and hold me back.

Today in sociology i learned that a child is more likely to earn the same income as thier parents. Not often does the child earn more than thier parents said my professor. Just hearing that makes me want to prove to society that i can. I really dont need to earn a lot of money to be happy, but i have this huge urge to prove society wrong!